The Bible tells us the way to truth and if followed will give anyone eternal life. Why, then must we preach Christ? Because He is the ultimate trail to eternal life!
Jesus said it first of himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me.” (Jn. 14:6)
When Jesus came into the world over 2,000 years ago, things were in a big mess just like they are today. He not only knew and understood the issues of His day but He gave insight into ways those evils would impact unsuspecting people. He came to earth for the express purpose of exposing evil and revealing the righteousness of His Father, who sent Him.
We live in a new time with the same evil deception of those old times. The nature of man without God remains the same. Our times deny the existence of a Holy God. They teach the centrality and sufficiency of man, not Christ. They promote reason over revelation and evolution over creation. Because of this delusion of truth, our Nation has become a fertile seed bed for humanism, relative behavior, new age thought and non-Christian religions.
This is the world we live in. Ours is a world that needs Jesus. That is why we must preach Christ.
Paul tells us in II Corinthians 4:3, “But if our gospel is hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” The gospel is the story and meaning of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever been lost physically? I remember an experience as a 13 year old boy getting truly messed up in my direction after shooting a raccoon with my first bow and arrow. I truly did not know which direction to go. I was very frightened – I felt very alone and at first panicked. When I stopped and thought about where my brother was hunting deer along a creek, I went down the hill, found the creek and eventually my brother. It was a terrible experience.
A person can be that spiritually. Many in our world today are. They need to first recognize their lostness, then stop and discover what the Word of God says. Jesus said, “I am the Way …”
In Matthew 7:13 we are told about two different ways, one wide, one narrow. Jesus is that narrow way that a person must seek out when spiritual lostness overwhelms them. These two different ways are like the difference between the wide and very visible caribou routes and the narrow and hard to find whitetail trails. If you have ever hunted these species, you have witnessed this.
The big problem in our country today is that people don’t realize they are lost. In our ever growing humanistic society people have little exposure to the solution for their lostness.
As a Christian, it is our responsibility to help our fellows find the narrow way Matthew talks about. They need to hear from us that Jesus is the way that leads to eternal life.
Jesus declared Himself to be truth. People want to know truth but they are looking in all the wrong places. Pleasure, stuff, secular knowledge and non-biblical religions occupy their searching time.
Chuck Missler from Koinonia House Ministries (now in heaven) said, “In a cultural war, truth is the first casualty.” That war is raging in our country today.
People today, for the most part, do not see Jesus as truth. Like Pilate of Bible times Jesus is only a problem to be dealt with. But the fact is that Jesus is the truth people need to know. His life, death, burial and resurrection is the answer to all of our problems. Paul calls it the gospel in Romans 1:16. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.” Jesus, the Christ, is truth. That’s why we need to share His story with those in our personal world.
Jesus also declared Himself to be the life. He was not just speaking of physical life, although He is the Creator of all life. Physical life for the most part is a blessing. Cullann and I have welcomed two great-grand -children into our lives since Sept. of 2016. What a blessing they are. We all want to experience a long, happy life. But are we looking for it in the right places or even seeking the right kind of life?
Spiritual life, found only through a personal relationship with Jesus, is what people need most. So few seem to desire it.
It has always been wonderfully amazing to me that, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16
The Bible tells us that life without the right preparedness through Jesus Christ will not end well. People need to hear from us that the answer to all life’s need is found in Jesus; He will help us in the way we can’t find by ourselves, He will tell us the truth we don’t know. He will give us the life we can’t live on our own.
That is why we must preach Christ.
By Dave Roose
(Abridged from the Sunday AM message at the CBA National Shoot in Aug. 2018)
Jesus said it first of himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me.” (Jn. 14:6)
When Jesus came into the world over 2,000 years ago, things were in a big mess just like they are today. He not only knew and understood the issues of His day but He gave insight into ways those evils would impact unsuspecting people. He came to earth for the express purpose of exposing evil and revealing the righteousness of His Father, who sent Him.
We live in a new time with the same evil deception of those old times. The nature of man without God remains the same. Our times deny the existence of a Holy God. They teach the centrality and sufficiency of man, not Christ. They promote reason over revelation and evolution over creation. Because of this delusion of truth, our Nation has become a fertile seed bed for humanism, relative behavior, new age thought and non-Christian religions.
This is the world we live in. Ours is a world that needs Jesus. That is why we must preach Christ.
Paul tells us in II Corinthians 4:3, “But if our gospel is hid, it is hid to them that are lost.” The gospel is the story and meaning of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Have you ever been lost physically? I remember an experience as a 13 year old boy getting truly messed up in my direction after shooting a raccoon with my first bow and arrow. I truly did not know which direction to go. I was very frightened – I felt very alone and at first panicked. When I stopped and thought about where my brother was hunting deer along a creek, I went down the hill, found the creek and eventually my brother. It was a terrible experience.
A person can be that spiritually. Many in our world today are. They need to first recognize their lostness, then stop and discover what the Word of God says. Jesus said, “I am the Way …”
In Matthew 7:13 we are told about two different ways, one wide, one narrow. Jesus is that narrow way that a person must seek out when spiritual lostness overwhelms them. These two different ways are like the difference between the wide and very visible caribou routes and the narrow and hard to find whitetail trails. If you have ever hunted these species, you have witnessed this.
The big problem in our country today is that people don’t realize they are lost. In our ever growing humanistic society people have little exposure to the solution for their lostness.
As a Christian, it is our responsibility to help our fellows find the narrow way Matthew talks about. They need to hear from us that Jesus is the way that leads to eternal life.
Jesus declared Himself to be truth. People want to know truth but they are looking in all the wrong places. Pleasure, stuff, secular knowledge and non-biblical religions occupy their searching time.
Chuck Missler from Koinonia House Ministries (now in heaven) said, “In a cultural war, truth is the first casualty.” That war is raging in our country today.
People today, for the most part, do not see Jesus as truth. Like Pilate of Bible times Jesus is only a problem to be dealt with. But the fact is that Jesus is the truth people need to know. His life, death, burial and resurrection is the answer to all of our problems. Paul calls it the gospel in Romans 1:16. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes.” Jesus, the Christ, is truth. That’s why we need to share His story with those in our personal world.
Jesus also declared Himself to be the life. He was not just speaking of physical life, although He is the Creator of all life. Physical life for the most part is a blessing. Cullann and I have welcomed two great-grand -children into our lives since Sept. of 2016. What a blessing they are. We all want to experience a long, happy life. But are we looking for it in the right places or even seeking the right kind of life?
Spiritual life, found only through a personal relationship with Jesus, is what people need most. So few seem to desire it.
It has always been wonderfully amazing to me that, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16
The Bible tells us that life without the right preparedness through Jesus Christ will not end well. People need to hear from us that the answer to all life’s need is found in Jesus; He will help us in the way we can’t find by ourselves, He will tell us the truth we don’t know. He will give us the life we can’t live on our own.
That is why we must preach Christ.
By Dave Roose
(Abridged from the Sunday AM message at the CBA National Shoot in Aug. 2018)