A good blood trail is what every bow hunter wants to find after releasing an arrow at a big game animal. I remember what I consider to be my best blood trail. Although it’s not a spot we should aim for, a femoral artery shot is deadly. I remember what I consider to be my best blood trail. In 1989 a fat spike horn whitetail came by me on an alternate trail while bow hunting in the Huron National Forest near Cadillac, MI. He only presented a sharp quartering away shot. I took the “now or never” shot which was intended for the rib cage and forward to the lungs. My anchor point was not good thus my arrow found the femoral artery instead. When I got down from my tree stand to check out the damage of my less than desirable shot, I was soon very pleased at the excellent blood trail. No bending over, no hunting for red drops, it was walk and follow the blood. Four hundred yards later I found him in the creek all bled out.
We know from the Bible that the blood is the life. Genesis 9:3-4 gives us permission to eat meat but not the blood because it is “the life thereof.” Medical science reveals the same truth. If you’ve ever had the need of being in the hospital, you know well that drawing blood is done to help determine what to do for you. It is amazing to me that so much can be determined through the blood. Indeed, the life is in the blood.
This is not only true physically but also spiritually. The Old Testament reveals that it was the blood of sacrificed animals that was to be offered to God for the atonement of peoples’ sins. (Leviticus 8:14-21) The New Testament tells us that it is Jesus Christ who shed His blood, replacing the Old Testament sacrifices, thus taking the sins of all mankind upon himself, once for all, through his death, burial and resurrection. (Hebrews 9:11-14)
When it comes to this most important part of life, the spiritual life, it is true that our less than desirable life styles can be changed by the life giving blood of Christ. His is the trail of truth that has been followed by those who believe for two thousand plus years now.
Have you found that ultimate blood trail that leads to eternal life? Are you following it? If you are not sure, remember this, one must admit their sinfulness and ask for forgiveness, (Romans 3:23), then accept the gift of eternal life (I John 1:9) and begin walking in the ways of God (John 1:12) (Romans 8:1). Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) Our eternal destiny and life depends upon following the blood. (Hebrews 9:28)
David L. Roose
We know from the Bible that the blood is the life. Genesis 9:3-4 gives us permission to eat meat but not the blood because it is “the life thereof.” Medical science reveals the same truth. If you’ve ever had the need of being in the hospital, you know well that drawing blood is done to help determine what to do for you. It is amazing to me that so much can be determined through the blood. Indeed, the life is in the blood.
This is not only true physically but also spiritually. The Old Testament reveals that it was the blood of sacrificed animals that was to be offered to God for the atonement of peoples’ sins. (Leviticus 8:14-21) The New Testament tells us that it is Jesus Christ who shed His blood, replacing the Old Testament sacrifices, thus taking the sins of all mankind upon himself, once for all, through his death, burial and resurrection. (Hebrews 9:11-14)
When it comes to this most important part of life, the spiritual life, it is true that our less than desirable life styles can be changed by the life giving blood of Christ. His is the trail of truth that has been followed by those who believe for two thousand plus years now.
Have you found that ultimate blood trail that leads to eternal life? Are you following it? If you are not sure, remember this, one must admit their sinfulness and ask for forgiveness, (Romans 3:23), then accept the gift of eternal life (I John 1:9) and begin walking in the ways of God (John 1:12) (Romans 8:1). Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) Our eternal destiny and life depends upon following the blood. (Hebrews 9:28)
David L. Roose